Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Sorry about this one, Just kidding.

Sorry, not sorry. A double negative. The most annoying phrase ever(in my opinion). It mean,"I'm sorry for doing that, oh wait! I'm kidding." It originated in 1994, in the Amen song, "Sorry, not Sorry", it can be argued that it grew in popularity after it was used on Twitter in 2011(I didn't even know Twitter existed in 2011, let alone a phrase people still use today!). Urban Dictionary says, "sorry not sorry is a term used by someone usually unhappy with someone because they are thought to have done something wrong. They use this term as if to say "What I did wasn't wrong so Sorry, I'm not sorry". It is often "hashtaged" on the social networking website Twitter." I may have a Twitter, but I don't use hashtags, unless in jest.


  1. Nice into but I say sorry not sorry all the time.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I think the colors and background make it easy to read, but don't repeat yourself so much next time.

  3. Thats a good topic and nice work on the layout and stuff

  4. Nice work, its easy to read and I like the saying "sorry, not sorry."

  5. Really nice job!! There is some spelling errors in the paragraph, but otherwise it is good.

  6. I love it, it's so funny, I'm annoyed by sorry not sorry too. There are spelling errors but other than that awesome job.

  7. 'Sorry, not sorry' is not a double negative.
