Thursday, September 18, 2014

#Blogging #Fun #FunWithBlogs #Hashtag

 You must know what hashtags are, right. Well I don't, but what do they do, and where did they come from? They are used, in modern tech, on twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Google+.  Although Twitter used the modern hashtag, it was first used in the 70s, used to highlight special meanings.  It was also used by Bell Laboratories in phones, along with the Asterisk(*) and was called the Octothorpe.  Eventually, it became known as the pound, as it shared the same key with the Euro symbol on English typewriters.  In 1988, it was used in IRC (Internet Relay Chat) and was used as it was today.  It was first used on Twitter, and was inspired by the IRC “how do you feel about using # (pound) for groups. As in #barcamp [msg]?”- @factoryjoe  Evan Williams did not agree with hashtags, as he said they were too technical, and you can guess what happened afterwards. They blew up, and every other social networking site began loving this new way to talk, even without knowing each other, and it grows stronger everyday, and was added in the Oxford-English dictionary in 2014, due to it's widespread use.  If you have any future ideas for blog post in the future, leave a comment, and thanks for reading. Sorry about being one day late too!

1 comment:

  1. Good job Carter, I like how you did a post on how the hashtag was originally used and what it is like today.
