Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Like, I totally don't know, like, what to call, like, this post.

Like, like is one of the most annoying words if you overuse it. So is totally.  I thought, like, I should totally put them in one post since, like, there won't be a lot of information for either one.  Totes is another way of saying totally, if you lived under a rock for the past, since 2003.  Totes is an Abreeve. I will do those in the future, but for now I'll just do totes. (Valley Girl Speak that means "Of course!" - Urban Dictionary.  A spoiled, idiotic adolescent female from the southwestern part of the United States, typically rich and white, whose language is insulting to human intelligence. Proof that the San Andreas fault needs to hurry up with sinking California back into the Pacific Ocean.-Urban Dictionary.) The original post ended here. Then I reread it. Then I realized there needs to be more.  It was short. I could stop here, and not look back, but I won't stop.  I ignore my blog. Please Stop. I won't stop. Never. My blog wants to shoot me down. I say no.  Anyways... Like is a word that, like totally(and I guess literally these days), can be used to add emphasis in a sentence.  (Ex. "I don't know what to do."  "I, like, don't know what to do."  "I totally don't know what to do.")  It does help, but when people overuse it, (Ex. Like, I TOTALLY want some pizza right now.  I would go on Twitter to look for better examples, but I can't.)  People use it mindlessly, not knowing how much they use it.  It's not just Valley Girls. It's just about everyone.  Keep a record of how many times you say Like, Totally, or Literally in a day. Of course, you could just stop using these words. JUST SAYIN'. That's a good idea for a future topic.


  1. Like I totes love your post where you like and totes so much that I'm going to totally text my bf right now! Nice job though Carter you really are coming up with very good ways to put ideas on your blog.

  2. love the San Andreas fault part and i agree
